Farm Vet Jobs

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Farm Vet Job Vacancies

Veterinary Farm Jobs in the UK & Abroad

Farm vets are an indispensable part of any rural community. Usually working across a number of farms in a local area, veterinarians are vital in ensuring that livestock get the highest standards of care.

Farm animal vets are responsible for checking the welfare of cattle, pigs, sheep and poultry to improve the quality of meat and milk production and ensure that animals are well cared for.

Working as an agricultural vet could include vaccinations and routine surgeries, as well as giving advice on nutrition and animal management practices.

The Vet Service have agricultural vet jobs across the UK, but also provide an international service for vets looking to work with farm animals abroad. Our specialist team can assist with registration, visa eligibility & advice, licensing, contracts & taxation, salary guidance and more.

We do not always list all of our farm vet vacancies on our site, so please speak to one of our specialist advisors today if you can’t see a job you like by contacting us or registering below.