Vet Jobs Wales

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Wales Veterinary Jobs

Veterinary Jobs Wales

Veterinarians carry out a comprehensive range of tasks from diagnosing and treating sick animals to maintaining their health and recovery.

Vet surgeons can also have a specialist practice involving larger animals like horses, cattle and livestock.

Wales is a great place for veterinarians to work. We do not always list all our currrent vacancies here so get in touch if you can’t see what you need.

Happy to relocate? We have vet surgeon jobs across the UK and work abroad possibilities.

For support with your job application, please feel free to get in touch with one of our specialist vet job advisors or register below for all our latest vet job updates.

Looking for something else? Check out our full list of worldwide vet jobs .

For support with your job application, please feel free to get in touch with one of our specialist veterinary job advisors or register for all our latest vet job updates.

What our clients say

“Very Efficient, everything happened far quicker than I expected, I have so much support in my job which was what I wanted – so I could not have asked for a better job really.”